You can post your selfless activity, inspirational quotes/messages, volunteering work etc. Valid individual post should come from a personal experience either through volunteering or inspiration.
You can use following format to write a post about your volunteering work:
Day - today, yesterday, last week, this summer etc.
Time - optional
Place - optional
Organization name - optional
Mention how do you feel after this activity
Yesterday night I volunteer to distribute the food and blankets to homeless at Berkeley city between 7 PM to 10 PM. It feels good inside to give unconditionally.
Today I picked up 3 bags of trash at the beach (Emeryville marina), because I love my city and I need to give back something to it other than tax :)
This summer vacation I had the privilege of participating in a two week service visit in a series of villages in rural India near the town of Sidhbari, Himachal Pradesh. It was an exciting and eye-opening opportunity in rural India.
Last Monday 30 less-privileged kids visited our office, and we got the chance to engage them in games and teach them financial literacy. I feel great and motivated being part of this activity.
Inspirational quotes, messages are valid.
Whatever good we give out completes the circle and comes back to us.
We Rise by Lifting Others.
For-profit organizations & businesses can post cause-related marketing messages.
Companies use the tactic to bring awareness to a cause and show social responsibility. Regular promotional posts are not allowed. Leverage cause-based marketing techniques to raise awareness about your business/organization with a social message supporting a cause.
Share knowledge and help others.
You can share knowledge about your area of expertise or give free tips.
Don't post about some NGO/Nonprofit or store or company or celebrity is doing good work. Following info seems like promotion of XYZ organization.
Last year XYZ organization reached out to 1 million people through 35 projects across 12 states, covering more than 90 districts for girls' education.
Remember to mention how you are connected with the organization which you are writing about.
I am proud to be a volunteer with XYZ organization. Last year XYZ reached out to 1 million people through 35 projects across 12 states, covering more than 90 districts for girls' education.
Don't promote any link or info in which you are not involved. If you are contributing something then mention it, so it seems reliable source to other users.
Donate here for XYZ disaster relief
I wished to help XYZ disaster victims so I donated here
At XYZ place more people need help so please share this message to create awareness.
I volunteer here and more volunteers are needed to help disaster survivors and their communities
Don't just share inspirational stories, articles etc. Always mention what do you feel about the story or article you are sharing.